Adorable Fierce Little Dragon [Video Tutorial & Written Pattern]

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There are many legends around the world about the origin of dragons and the dragon symbolism in Christianity and in the Chinese culture. The history of dragons has served as inspiration for many books, movies and play games. They are fantastic creatures.

Love this little guy! Dragons are magic creatures and even if this dragon is a crochetted one, still has the power of taking you into a dreamy, magic world in your mind. Fierce Little Dragon by Lucy Ravenscar is an incredibly well designed and well written pattern and this makes it perfect for even beginers. He is completely wonderful and looks great in any color. Child or adult, we all fall inlove with this little crochet amigurumi.

Approx 35g double knitting weight yarn, of whichever colour or colours you wish to use for your dragon.
Small amount of cream/beige yarn to sew claws.
1 pair 7.5 mm safety eyes or beads of a similar size for eyes (or you can embroider the eyes, so a small amount of yarn to do that).
Tapestry needle.

Finished size: approximately 28cm/11” nose to tip of tail, 20cm/8” wingspan.

Please click the name of the pattern, to get to the pattern's page.

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Thanks to Lucy for article inspiration and featured image.


Follow along with Meladora's Creations for Crochet while she's making This Crochet Amigurumi Fierce Dragon, a beautiful pattern brought to you by Lucy Ravenscar. Even if you're not an expert in making dolls, you'll have fun crocheting this little guy that your kids are going to love for sure. If you need the written pattern you find it here.

This video tutorial is made in four parts. You’ll learn how to make the little guy's body in part #1. You'll learn how to make the legs and the spikes in video #2. You'll learn how to make the ears and the eyes in video #3. You'll learn how to sew all together in video #4. And voila! All done! This video tutorial is super easy to follow.

I LOVE Lilly's reaction at the end of the fourth part when she receives the little dragon! Precious!



This is video #2 of 4 of the Crochet Amigurumi Fierce Dragon video tutorial, a beautiful pattern brought to you by Lucy Ravenscar. In this video you'll learn how to make the legs and the spikes. You'll learn how to make the ears and the eyes in video #3 and how to sew all together in video #4. You can find the written pattern here. Make sure you watch Lilly's reaction at the end of the fourth part when she receives the little dragon! Precious!


This is video #3 of 4 of the the Crochet Amigurumi Fierce Dragon video tutorial, a beautiful pattern brought to you by Lucy Ravenscar. In this video you’ll learn how to make the wings, the ears and the eyes, although they are not a part of the written pattern. By the way, if you’re looking for the written pattern, you can find it here.  In the next video you’ll learn how to sew all together. Make sure you watch Lilly's reaction at the end of the fourth part when she receives the little dragon! Precious!


This is video #4 of 4 of the the Crochet Amigurumi Fierce Dragon video tutorial, a beautiful pattern brought to you by Lucy Ravenscar. In this video you’ll learn how to sew all parts together. If you’re looking for the written pattern, you can find it here. Make sure you this video till the end to catch Lilly's reaction when she receives the little dragon! Precious!

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147 thoughts on “Adorable Fierce Little Dragon [Video Tutorial & Written Pattern]”

    1. Mary, please click the name of the pattern: Fierce Little Dragon (it’s on the second row on my screen, where it says: Fierce Little Dragon by Lucy Ravenscar by Lucy Ravenscar. On the next page, mid -page, where it says: free Ravelry download. Click there. You’ll get the pattern in pdf format. Hope it helps! 🙂

      1. Nope every one of those links goes to an ad. Is this website really for patterns?

        1. Marie Andreas, I just checked the link and it’s working. Please click the name of the pattern: Fierce Little Dragon, to get the pattern. Yes, every single page on this website has at least one free pattern. You get each one of them by clicking the name of the pattern. Hope this helps.

  1. All I ever get are advertisments for kelly blue book. It does not matter what I click on.
    I would love to do this for my great grand daughter but I guess I will just have to try to copy it from the picture.
    I don’t like getting the run-around when something is advertized for “free”and then can’t get it.

    1. Jeannette, it is free! just please click the name of the pattern: Fierce Little Dragon (it’s on the second row on my screen, where it says: Fierce Little Dragon by Lucy Ravenscar by Lucy Ravenscar. On the next page, mid -page, where it says: free Ravelry download. Click there. You’ll get the pattern in pdf format. Hope it helps!

      1. I clicked that. It took me to Craftsy. I was not able to find the pattern there. I don’t have unlimited internet, so 20 minutes of searching to no avail is really frustrating.

  2. click on the words Fierce Little Dragon, and it will be underlined with a single line and they are a different shade of green than the other links in the paragraph. The other words in the description that have double lines are links to other sites and some of them are advertisements and some are probably affiliate links but they will not take you to the pattern for this adorable little dragon. I do not have any association with this pattern, site, page, or the pattern creator, I just know this because I was directed here by my DIL today when she requested that I make this dragon for her and I went through trial and error finding the link for the pattern myself.

    1. Hi Clare, that’s on the next page. The tutorial is divided in 4 parts, covering different parts of the dragon pattern. Click the “next page” link, please, to watch them.

    1. Cindi, where is says ” Fierce Little Dragon by Lucy Ravensca…” please click on the words Fierce Little Dragon. It is underlined with a single line. I hope this helps.

  3. you have to click on the word “pattern” in the text below the picture.i tried the top word too.until i figured it out.conny

  4. is there a direct link to the videos, or are they on youtube? when i get to the 2nd page of the pattern, as directed, there are no videos, only more dragon pictures and a material list.

    1. Hi Colin, sorry for that! It works quick for me. It must have been a temporary server problem, as I see that I have another comment regarding the missing video at about the same time. I appologize, this is however out of my control. Luckily , this does not happen often , as this is the first time I see a comment mentioning this type of problem. Thank you for understanding!

    1. so after reloadaing the page about 10 times and clicking next page every time it finally shows the video.

      1. Hi Gaz, sorry for that! It works quick for me. It must have been a temporary server problem, as I see that I have another comment regarding the missing video at about the same time. I appologize, this is however out of my control. Luckily , this does not happen often , as this is the first time I see a comment mentioning this type of problem. Thank you for understanding!

  5. I can’t find a clickable link for the pattern. The name Fierce Little Dragon is not an active link. Help??

  6. Hi Lucy, I got the pattern very easily but as hard as I look and click I cant find ANY links for a video, have you got a direct link please?????

  7. Do you have a knitting pattern for a dragon???? not very cleaver with crochet. Thanks

  8. It took a while but I downloaded the Little Dragon. My two little granddaughters are into all things fairies, pixies and dragons/dinosaurs! at the moment. I couldn’t resist your Mother and child spirits, so you know I am going to be very busy doubling up on all your lovely patterns. There are others on your site, so I’ll be back!

  9. I noticed on the wing that some times you said back post. Was there a mixture of both bp and fp?

  10. Lori, please click the Follow Link option on the warning window. Is going to take you to the site. For some reason we’ve been getting these messages for the last 2-3 days. They only show up on some devices and browsers.We’re working on it. Sorry for the pain and thank you for understanding.

  11. This dragon is so cute, and I had no problem getting to the pattern. Thank you so much! I’ve had so much fun making them for everyone around me. I was wondering if you had any objection to the selling of the dragons, if we link back to your pattern? I would love to put one on my etsy store and see how it sells. Thanks so much in advance! ~Ellen

    1. Hi Ellen, thank you for your kind comments. I cannot answer this question, please check with the designer on the pattern’s page. She can give you all the right answer. Hope it helps!:-)

  12. I’ve been making bunnys, zombies, monsters a snake, devil and an alien for my niece, great nieces, great nephew, baby sister (that is the mom to the niece), granddaughter and a monkey for my grandson. I’ve had your pattern for a while and thought it would be too difficult to make. I guess I am getting really good at amigurumy because my baby sister said she really likes(loves is a better word) dragons, and wondered if I could make her one some time. That made me think about your pattern. Took it out and read it over. Within three days I had one made. I can’t sit for a long enough time to finish any project in one day because of my back. The pattern was easier than I thought it would be. The hardest parts were the nose and wings.I have now decided to make “birth month” dragons for the niece/great nieces/great nephew. The grandbabies are too young(grd daughter;two years /grd son; four months).
    The “birth month” dragons will be made using two different color yarns. I’m working on a “Clemson Tiger” dragon for tne great niece who’s birthday I sort of missed because of Easter.
    Thank you for your wonderful pattern. It was easy to follow, and makes a beautiful dragon. If you want to see pictures I would be happy to email them to you.
    Best wishes,

    1. Melva, please post your pictures on our Facebook page. I’d be happy to share them with our community, if that’s ok with you. Thank you for your kind words! 🙂

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