Triple Treble (TrTr) Crochet Stitch: How to Make Super Tall Stitches

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The triple treble crochet stitch, abbreviated TrTr, is a taller crochet stitch that can be used to make really long stitches.

It can be tricky to learn at first, but this video will help you get the hang of it!

Once you've got it down, you'll be able to make some beautiful stitches that will add height and interest to your projects!


Triple Treble (TrTr) Crochet Stitch

Crochet your way to happiness with this simple but effective stitch!

The triple treble crochet is a basic technique that can be used for all sorts of projects, from making warm gifts like hats or gloves (perfect if you're feeling crafty) right down the list favorite garments – especially those made out lacy stitches which give them such an individual touch.

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Triple Treble (TrTr) Crochet Stitch: How to Make Super Tall Stitches
The TrTr crochet stitch is a super tall stitch /Source

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How To Do A TrTr Crochet Stitch Video Tutorial

Crocheting a ” Triple Treble Crochet” is an easy and fun stitch to learn with this video tutorial!

The triple trebles create such beautiful designs.

They're perfect for creating lacy shawls or dainty vests, especially when combined with other stitches like double crochet work together in combination- they'll have you feeling ready for Spring before we even hit Mother's Day gifts!!!

Get the Triple Treble (TrTr) Crochet Stitch written pattern via Heart Hook Home.

TrTr Crochet Stitch UK Terms

The triple treble crochet stitch is a tall, beautiful stitch that can be tricky to master.

But this video will help you get the hang of things and make your work look effortless!

Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter to receive awesome free crochet patterns, just like this, delivered straight to your inbox every day!

Have you ever tried the trtr crochet stitch? What did you think of it? Let us know in the comments below!

Happy stitching!

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