[Free Patterns] The 10 Most Beautiful Crochet Granny Squares Ever

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Get inspired by  these  stunning, elegant and so easy to make crochet granny squares. If you enjoy  crocheting granny squares you'll have fun creating one for yourself  or someone you love.  With a little bit of imagination, you can use these patterns to create any crochet project you want.


For this article I selected 10 granny squares ( in no particular order). They are, in my opinion and at this moment, the most beautiful granny squares I've seen on the internet. I hope you get some inspiration by watching them and of course, the free patterns and, by all means, if you have some beautiful granny squares pattern you love and want to share, please feel free to contribute and share. I always welcome  new ideas and inspiration.

10 most beautiful grannies

Take a look at these 10 beautiful crochet granny squares and add them to your to-do list if you feel like.

Click on the names of the patterns you like to go to their pattern pages!

Go to the next page to see the first featured granny square:  Mini Magic Mandala Square, designed by Tamara Kelly.


4 thoughts on “[Free Patterns] The 10 Most Beautiful Crochet Granny Squares Ever”

    1. Hi Patricia, thank you for reaching out to me. Please click the name of the pattern link in green. A new window is going to open and this is where you’ll find the free pattern. Hope this helps. Please let me know how is going and if you need more help. 🙂

  1. Hi I’ve been trying to download these patterns also. Like patricia the page does not come up. It links to a competition site of somesort no matter which button I press. I have tried it numerous times.I Would really love all these patterns. Thank you

    1. Hi Linda, please click the name of the pattern to go to the pattern’s page. This rule applies to all article on this site. The name is easy to recognize : first letters are capital letters, only one line under (not 2) and it’s always followed by the name of the designer.
      In the example phrase below, the link is in the Mini Magic Mandala Square words.

      1. Here is the first featured granny square in The 10 Most Beautiful Crochet Granny Squares Ever: the Mini Magic Mandala Square, designed by Tamara Kelly.

      Hope this helps!

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