This Technique Will Save You Hours Weaving In Ends

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NO ends to weave in at the end of a project! It sounds dreamy and somehow hard to believe. How can this be done? Believe it or not, there are ways to save hours in weaving in ends when a project is done and this is one of them. This HOW TO save hours weaving in ends post written by Joy Of Motion is going to show you how. So simple that is going to surprise you. Be prepared to be amazed.

Have you ever been frustrated after you have finished crocheting a BIG project? – you have to weave in all the ends!
I have a great solution to this that have saved me literally HOURS of weaving in ends. (Source)

weaving in ends smart
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Image source: Flickr

Thanks to Joy Of Motion for article inspiration.

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214 thoughts on “This Technique Will Save You Hours Weaving In Ends”

  1. I’ve always done this. It will not come undone in the wash. However it does greatly depend on the s$#%&!@*ch you are doing. A granny square for example I will still weave the tails, however for a straight s$#%&!@*ch, like single or double crochet, I just s$#%&!@*ch over the tails. Works great and you won’t feel the knots in the blanket.

  2. I don’t knot, have never had anything come undone, and always leave myself a minimum 6″ tail. It also helps if you weave in as you go, s$#%&!@*ching ovet your tails; and during the weave doing a zig-zag or two.

  3. really need to work over your tail more than five s$#%&!@*ches and then put on a needle and thread back thru the other direction. I’ve been doing that for years and recently Mikey on the crochet crowd did a tutorial on it.

  4. I’d be curious to know (since I don’t knot my ends), of those people who do use knots, do you also then ignore knots that show up in your skeins while you work a project? If so, why would you? This is why the whole idea of knotting ends stumps me.
    If you weave in correctly as you go, and crochet over your ends, there’s no need to knot.

  5. I do this as well but I like to make sure it won’t come undone at all no matter what by hand weaving them in and securing them with fabric glue made to last washes. The last thing I would ever want would be a customer to buy something that I have not 110% made sure that it is secure and reliable. I always check it too before I mail out my orders. I think the ends are a signal of accomplishment. Your ribbons at the end of a great project. I guess I am the only one who enjoys them lol :/

  6. I’ve always done this, but to secure it even more, I crochet over the two ends for a couple of s$#%&!@*ches and then bend back those ends and do a s$#%&!@*ch or two, and then put the back in to s$#%&!@*ch over. That way, they’re held down by a couple of s$#%&!@*ches instead of just lying beneath a bunch of loose loops.

  7. Depending on the stitch, I am able to work the knot in. Especially if it’s a thick stitch, then you can’t feel it. But if there is a knot in the skein and I am working a thinner stitch, I stop the stitch, cut off the knot, and work it as if changing colors. Then I weave in the yarn. If that makes sense lol

  8. I always tie both ends together from one color to another, apply and rub in some fabric glue so the knot doesn’t come undone, and crochet the tails in until there is very little sticking out, and apply the tiniest drop of fabric glue to keep the strands in place before cutting off what’s left! It has never failed me, or my customers!

  9. I do this, but so that im sure it will stay secure if its not a color change, i will also hold the end with my working yarn and crochet it into the piece for a stitch or two. Then i continue crocheting over it.

  10. I tried this with a whole afghan, beautiful afghan and hated how it looked after a few months. I ended up throwing the afghan away! I knot and weave in my ends. It can be tedious but WELL worth the look in the end for years to come!

  11. Since I can’t read this …hehehe ..I tie my ends weave in leaving part out and after Iam all finished I wash and dry in a very low heat dryer and when completely dry I cut the ends hanging out…some reason if do this theres less booboos to fix …because frogging after and finding something is far more work …even us oldtimers make errors.

  12. LMAO Hmmm That is the most ridiculous excuse I have ever heard in my life for throwing something away that someone in need could use, even for a little while.

    Further, you said you threw it away because you didn’t like how it LOOKED. Maybe you want to try again lol.

  13. This is how it started looking. I have to wash my afghans a lot due to critters and this just wasn’t holding up. I didn’t like how it looked because then ends were constantly working their way out. Soooooo like I said, I would never give this to someone because it would have just come apart. Trust me, I have given many many things to people in need.

  14. I can do the Russian join . Recently I crocheted an afghan and then was commissioned to put a picture on the front. I don’t suppose you have a tip or trick to tucking in the ends quickly on that sort of project?

  15. Didn’t read the article but I just crochet over my ends when I change colors so there’s no ends to weave in generally. On looser projects that can sometimes be a bit tricky but I’ve honed my technique over the years.

  16. I have looped my old end through the ws of the next stitches before crocheting over them and threaded the new yarn end up to next row and done the same for about 8 stitches. Never had a problem!

  17. I dislike weaving in the ends so this is the way I go! As long as the stitch will work with it. At this time I am working on an offset shell stitch and it works in the first 2 DC and the first shell, but not after. It shows the thread too much.

  18. I weave my ends at the time of a color change, by going through the back loops of the same color before continuing on and then I just crochet over the ends, nothing to do later and because of the weaving through the back loops it creates a stronger bond. My projects are a pain to frog.

  19. I’ve done this for over 50 years, & I have yet to have it come out in the washer, or dryer! But I usually crochet over 8-10 stitches. Never have had a problem. So easy, & it looks great…no knots!

  20. I generally always do this, but my new favorite afghan didn’t lend itself to the technique. I STILL haven’t woven in the ends and justify it by telling myself it’s fringe! Lol

  21. I have finished projects folded and waiting, tails hanging out, because I hate weaving in ends. I’m trying to get better about doing them as I go, but I have essentially stopped doing stripes because I hate weaving in the much.

  22. Thanks.

    On tricky stitches i pop a paperclip in the top chain so i know where to put my last stitch when i get back to it. But smooth edges on textured patterns like this often only happen while blocking

  23. Please don’t do this method… Granted I will often crochet over the end yarn at the very beginning if it’s a starting ring situation, but then I always weave the tails in with a yarn needle… And I never ever knot my yarn to avoid weird bumps… By weaving in with a needle, the ends will be far more secure and won’t work themselves out over time… Yes it’s time consuming, but when all is said and done, it is worth it, and your work will stand the test of time

  24. You don’t need to knot your yarn… I don’t, and it’s very secure and don’t get weird bumps that knots give you… Always use a needle and weave those ends in… My least favorite part of crocheting, but well worth it in the end

  25. I think the ends would pop out eventually after numerous washings. I still sew mine in & then back in opposite direction so that won’t happen. Also, I don’t wait til the end of the project, after several color changes I sew in the ends so it takes no time at all, it seems.

  26. I have always crocheted over ends as I go except in patchwork designs that are sewn together. Then I leave a long enough tail to use as the sewing in thread. Never have had a problem with this method and saves allot of time!

  27. Sewing in the ends at the end of a day’s work keeps your work neat. Also when you are at end of pattern you don’t have to face all the ends. (Just make sure you won’t be “frogging” because it causes problems.

  28. I would think everyone knows this “technique” but some of us like our ends more secure and there are some patterns (with skipped stitches) where the ends are quite visible.

    If you actually weave your ends,my hey won’t come undone no matter what and they are much less visible.

  29. Haha, this does not work! I made a afghan for my youngest son a few years ago and used this method, my sons dog got a nail caught in the afghan and pulled out a tail and now there is a huge hole in that spot. I WILL TAKE THE EXTRA TIME TO WEAVE IN ENDS, NO SHORTCUT EVER AGAIN. That was hours and months of work. 🙁

  30. Daily crochet offers lots of really interesting ideas but they are difficult to get to. Many times the link goes in circles or dead-ends. for this, I never found the actual instructions, just a description of what they would say if you could find them.

  31. Love the Russian join. I always use it when joining more of the same color, but it takes too much planning for me when changing colors, so I just weave those ends in.

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