How To Add Elastic To A Crocheted Skirt [Video Tutorial]

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Adding elastic to the belt of a crochet skirt can be a bit tricky when it comes to the measurements. How do you know exactly how much elastic to add to your crochet skirt so it would fit you perfectly?

Some people would never bother to measure the it, they would just wrap the elastic around until it is as tight as they want it and then cut it and crochet over it. This method works for some pieces of clothing especially when we crochet for ourselves, but when we crochet for some other people, based on the measurements, then we need a proper way of adding elastic to a crocheted skirt.


This video tutorial is going to teach you in detail how to add elastic to a crocheted skirt, using a round elastic band instead of a wide elastic band. You'll also earn how to measure it and why you measure it like so.

Watch the video below to see how it’s done:

The tutorial mentioned in the video above:  How To Fix Stretched Neckline/Collar

Thanks to Lenysea for the article inspiration and featured image.

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