[Free Pattern] Every Little Kiddo Could Use This Cute Monkey Lunch Box!

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No more traditional lunch boxes! This Monkey Lunch Box pattern by Melody Rogers is unique, original and awesome! Loads of fun and easy even for beginners. Your little monkey is going to love it! Everybody loves it and all the kids will have bag envy! LOL You can also embellish this beautiful and fun monkey lunch bag with cute notions.


Every little monkey could use something cute to take his or her lunch to school in!

My son, Charlie, recently started pre-school, and four days a week he brings his breakfast to school with him. Being new to the pre-school scene, on his first day, I just packed his food in his backpack and sent him on his way. The first thing he told me after coming home from school that day was that he needed a lunch box.

Ooops. Mommy school fail number one.

That’s how this cute Monkey Lunch Box was inspired! Even if your kiddos aren’t quite school aged yet, or if they don’t take a lunch to school, though, this box is just as much fun for storing toys, hauling special things around, or just playing with. After all, any parent knows how much kids love to put things in and out of boxes!

Monkey Lunch Box by Melody Rogers

Thanks to Melody Rogers for this article inspiration and featured image.

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