These chicken potholders are so adorable! And since this chicken /hen potholder was so loved by so many of you, chances are, you may love this one too! This adorable Crocheted Chicken Welcome pattern is a wonderful crochet design by Jocelyn Sass. Make sure below before going to the pattern's page.
Adorable Little Chicken Potholder Pattern
I found this gem on Pinterest…just one problem, the maker is on Etsy and sells the pattern. There is a discontinued pattern for this but it sells for over $100 on Ebay. I know Chickens are HOT right now — so after a lot of searching, I found a pattern HERE. Just skip the “Welcome” part and, when attaching the two forms, add a shell stitch around the upper body, so it will look like the picture above, which is so much cuter. ( Source)
Thanks to Operation $40K and Jocelyn Sass for this article's inspiration and featured image.
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@[1368806672:2048:Annie Myers]
Go just above the picture and there’s a paragraph explaining that this pattern is no longer available for free. Reading further you’ll see “HERE” click on that and it will take you to a very similar pattern. Then click on print. Hope that helps you get it. It worked for me.
Cute !
I can’t open it. @[100004886946820:2048:Teresa Tabor] can u message me the pattern ?
It won’t open for me either
Char, the pattern is in the name of the pattern: Crocheted Chicken Welcome. The link works.
@[1368806672:2048:Annie], the pattern is in the name of the pattern: Crocheted Chicken Welcome.
Ok. Thanks
Thank you
Jessica can you make these for me? Xmas is coming!!!
Love them.
My son collects chickens.
May figure out a way to do a wall hanging with them..
Chris Schoedel so cute
Aw I want the pattern, please?
Go just above the picture and there’s a paragraph explaining that this pattern is no longer available for free. Reading further you’ll see “HERE” click on that and it will take you to a very similar pattern. Then click on print. Hope that helps you get it. It worked for me.
Cheryl Ulen
Sharon, please click the name of the pattern Crocheted Chicken Welcome to get to the pattern’s page.
Caitlin Marie Akers cute!
So cute!
Vonna Lynn Almeyda I would Like to order 6 of these plz
I had no issues at all getting pattern
Can you forward the pattern?
Go just above the picture and there’s a paragraph explaining that this pattern is no longer available for free. Reading further you’ll see “HERE” click on that and it will take you to a very similar pattern. Then click on print. Hope that helps you get it. It worked for me.
If some one makes them for me I will pay for them
ROSE MARIE. Make me some of these potholes
Welcome Terry!
Welcome Terry!
So cute!
Grasser Mary!!!!!!!
Aren’t they cute?!?!?
Would love to see some patterns to knit (since I don’t crochet). Many thanks!
Stephanie can you crochet me 8 sets of these before Christmas
this is one of my most favorite patterns/designs!!! Thanks for posting it on here for others to enjoy!
Delene Lueken
Lisa Carr Lowery These would have been perfect for the pick a littles lol
If only I had the time maybe for Christmas
Amy Suggs
The shell does really make it.
If you click on the link after you go to this page,, it has a bug. My antivirus wouldn’t let me open the page
Go just above the picture and there’s a paragraph explaining that this pattern is no longer available for free. Reading further you’ll see “HERE” click on that and it will take you to a very similar pattern. Then click on print. Hope that helps you get it. It worked for me.
Delene Lueken
I love these chicken potholders!!! I’ve made several in various colors. Thank you for sharing the pattern as I believe many will very much enjoy working them up!!
Amy Beam
Michelle Barnhart
Carrie Faga-Davis. Too cute.
KRIS make some for us, and aunt Jeanie
Ha…those are so cute!
I love chickens. I decorate with them
Me Too
These are so cute
I see the pattern for the chicken welcome but is there a separate one for the chicken pot holder? That is the one I’m looking for. Thank you
Kay Bivens
Gramma Darla’s Shop
Love these