3 Awesome, Printable Cheat Sheets To Use For Crochet Projects

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How much yarn do you need to make your next crochet project? Planning in advance is easy if you have the right handy cheat sheets. Print these awesome charts and helpful reminders to make your crochet experience even better! Use these charts to estimate the size and how much yarn you will need for a specific crochet project and what size the hook you need to use.

Standard Sizing via String To A Thing

CONVERSION CHART-Yarn hooks and yarn sizes

Conversion chart for crochet hooks and yarn weights/sizes via Crochet Gotta Love It


Learn how to calculate the total yarn you need for the pattern at Fresh Stitches

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31 thoughts on “3 Awesome, Printable Cheat Sheets To Use For Crochet Projects”

  1. I was just about to ask you if you crochet extremely loosely to get those measurements when the light bulb went off above my head! I realized you had made a stitch them measured how much yarn was used to make the stitch – not the actual size of the stitch as I originally thought (DUH!!). Thank you so much for the information! I’m going to put it on my desk top so I can find it quickly – I’m sure it will be referenced often!

  2. I would like to make a temperature blanket however the awkward size is a big drawback. My thought is to make it by using C2 and have each day be a square. So my question is with 365 squares how large would it be? Thx.

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