Ridiculously Simple Way To Choose Yarns That Go Together For Your Crochet Projects

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For some people, the hardest part in crochet is choosing the right color combination. There is a whole big colors theory behind every combination that works, and sometimes is simply intuition or sometimes even exceptions. The Color Theory 101: selecting yarns that go together is beautifully explained by Stacey on her blog. This post is truly simplifying how to choose just the right colors, so you don't have to rely only on instinct anymore.


Image source: Flickr

Thanks to Stacey for this article inspiration and featured image.

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83 thoughts on “Ridiculously Simple Way To Choose Yarns That Go Together For Your Crochet Projects”

  1. Love the colour wheel ideas. I’ve tended to use the multicoloured wools to avoid trying my own choices. Would be interested to learn about neutral combos with whites, creams and stone colours.

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